About Me


I’m a software developer attempting a move into information security (the game between attackers and private data, and the most common misuse of the word ‘hacker’). Whenever I find something I think could be useful represented in a different way, I’ll post here.

As a chunk of honesty, the site is also to submit to a job searching fad. The fad suggests a curriculum vitae needs to be augmented with some other presence, called a “professional portfolio” in most of the resources I found. At this point, I don’t know how to defeat this trend. I don’t like without working full-time as a protestor, so for now I’ll join’em. I don’t want to end this segment on such a dark note so…

Hope you find something useful here!

About the Site

If you have any questions comments about the pages (layout, content, language, whatever else), you can ping my Github or Twitter (last time I checked my DM is open). The last thing I want is to have the comments section which overflows with attack code attempts and horrible remarks ;)

FYI, like any other Github Pages page, the stuff that Github’s magic parses into what you’re looking at now is hosted in a repository https://github.com/patrickceg/patrickceg.github.io