This is just a quick update on what I’m up to lately.

I found little that would nicely fit on in this blog format as an article, but I thought it would be fun to put this article here as a time capsule for the continuing state of emergency.

I’m starting up my volunteer work with OWASP again, and I’m doing some exercise and (video) gaming to keep healthy. The OWASP work is best left on the respective projects, because there’s no reason for me to re-post here or comment when it’s best to keep the discussion in one place. One thing I learned from Historical European Martial Arts is that a purely written guide is an extremely poor way to describe an exercise. Finally, for gaming, I’ve always made the effort to separate between my primary identity and my gaming aliases.

Near the end of last year, I dabbled in studying for a cloud certification. I’ll see if I can restart that, but to me the OWASP work with other people is more valuable and engaging than self-study.

When Debian 11 comes out, I will describe my home lab active directory setup for it. That is something that I find unique that would work in this format and would contribute if I wrote an article on it.

With all that, there isn’t much for me to post in this format in the near future.
